Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 66: Still Small Voice

I wondered what the point of life would be if you only had this earth. If you walked this life and had no hope beyond the 80 years that were given to you. If that was the case then what would be the point of following the laws of God? If you had no motivation beyond yourself then why would anyone live a good life? I was talking to this girl the other day. We went and saw the Thorn which is a passion play. It was good and that night she told me that she wanted to give her heart to God.

This whole experience got me thinking about this subject. I had lived my life for myself for so long. It seems almost impossible to live it for someone else. I don't know how she feels. I just started thinking about if I had never met her. Where would she be or where would I be? God has a plan for everything. A plan for everyone. If I hadn't met her and gone through what I did then I wouldn't be where I am. God knew that and used her to change my life. Now I hope He is using me to do the same for her.

I am listening to Forever Young by Jay Z. He uses a line that really hit me. If you are living your life as if this is your only time, as if there is no forever, and if you are living this life as if salvation is not something that you find out if you receive at the end, then "when the director yells cut I'll be fine."

"Life is for living, not living uptight until you're somewhere up in the sky." Jay Z

So for day 66, I accomplished the following:

No drinking
No smoking
P90x diet and exercise
No lying


This God of mine is pricking my heart again. You know when you have done things for so long that the feelings of guilt go away and you no longer listen to your conscience? I am getting those feelings of remorse and guilt back. My conscience is speaking to me again in a still small voice.

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