Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 3: Glute Pain

Day 3 has come and gone. It was a painful day to say the least. I did an exercise called plyometrics. Basically, it is jump training. I spent 45 minutes in a squat position. It was killer.

Soon after my work out I had to go to work. There I began to feel sick.  I am not sure why. I feel like the healthier I am being, the better my health should be, but it is possible that my body is adjusting to a new lifestyle and during this process my immune system took a dive. Not exactly sure but I came home early from work and have been sick ever since. Pounding headache, sore throat, aches, fever, and the soreness of my workout.

I am still working my way through Exodus. I am amazed at the ammount of time God rambles on to Moses explaining what the new rules and regulations are going to be for Isreal. Moses must have gotten drowsey during that speach because I sure did. And all the explanations really got me thinking about why the Old Testament God would want them to follow such a strict set of guidelines? I mean, he was very specific about the law and the punishment for not following it. I think that it worked for Isreal but how about now?

So for day 3 I accomplished the following:

No drinking
No smoking
P90X diet and exercise
No dates
No lying


I did not sleep well last night but I think that is because I was getting sick. I felt good through the day. My body is very sore and I am starting to notice how hungry I am. I refrain from eating outside of my diet.

All in all, I am feeling very hopeful about my transformation. I have not noticed much yet but I know I will sooner or later. I am hoping that I find motivation for a relationship with God through reading His word. Sometimes I feel so disconnected and alone like there isn't a God. I hope that through this experience I find that spark and can find peace. A peace that is above the storm.

1 comment:

  1. I am assuming that you are reading the Bible from front to back, but may I just suggest Psalms? When I feel broken and alone, David's beautiful heartfelt songs to God heal me.


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