Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 16: Connected

I was reading the Bible this morning and I was reading in Joshua. I have always felt a connection to Joshua because we share the same name but also because I see a lot of me in him or him in me. You see, Joshua was being groomed to be a leader all the time he was in the desert with Moses. When Moses finally died, Joshua took over and became the leader of an entire nation. I feel this connection because I have always had the qualities of a good leader. I want to have the qualities of a great leader. I found that there was a difference when I was in high school. Stephanie Johnson instilled in me the seeds necessary for me to grow into a great leader. The difference is a good leader will take people where they want to go. A great leader will show them where they need to be.

Joshua was a great leader because he led without thought of self. He led thinking of others.

So for day 16, I accomplished the following:

No Drinking
No Smoking
P90X diet and exercise
No lying
No dates


I am starting to get into a routine every day. I am getting so repetitive with my actions that things are becoming habitual. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he said, "man, I don't think P90X is sustainable for guys our size" and I thought about that over the next few days. He might be right, but I am making it a habit and I am not going to break the habit. I hope this will mean at the end of the 90 days I will feel so lost without the work out that I will just continue to do it out of habit.

I am also noticing that the mornings that I have an intentional prayer to have God lead my life, my day seems to go much better. I have less angry thoughts, I curse less, I am more understanding. I am liking this change because every day, even though it is small things, I am noticing God changing me little by little. I am feeling so connected.

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