Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 15: Masterpiece

This day reminded me of the importance of taking God with you daily. I feel like life is a struggle every day and I have to remind myself that even though I have made this decision to follow God's leading, I cannot have a good day unless Gos is guiding me. I have to intentionally ask God to take the lead and I will play the background. I am disappointed in myself so often because I have forgotten to ask God to be with me.

I wrote a letter. I feel like I need to make my peace with this girl so I wrote her a letter. I haven't given it to her but essentially it says thank you. It was a letter letting her know that my life is changed because of what happened between us. I think God used that situation to wake me up and make me realize that He is tho only true rock. He broke me down to build me up. I have been reading Deuteronomy which was in interesting book because it was supposedly written by Moses but yet it describes Moses's death. It must have been finished by Joshua. Either way, the book kind of wraps up Israel's 40 years in the desert. It opens a new door for Israel. Essentially, God has given them the tools and disciplined them like a father disciplines his child. I believe whole with all my heart that this is the same lesson God is teaching me know. He is teaching me discipline. Breaking my habits down to build me back up.

So for day 15, I accomplished the following:

No Drinking (15 days with no drink is sort of a record for me)
No Smoking
P90X Diet and Exercise (3/4th of the workout because I worked out on an empty stomach and got sick).
No Dates
No Lying


I am noticing that God is changing the way I think. I am less and less attracted to the evil things of this world and I feel like God is restoring my conscience. I feel bad when I curse or look at a girl. I feel like I shouldn't be doing these things. I am glad for that. That means that God is chiseling me into His original masterpiece so that ultimately, when people see me, they actually see Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I like the skit guys. We have had them on campus a couple of times.


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