Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 8: Never Give Up

Day 8 was a great day. I had to work early today and open the store. I usually open the store and am too tired because I don't get the sleep I need, but recently I have been getting the sleep I need. I woke up with a song in my heart. While I was at work a friend of mine, texted me and asked me if I wanted to work out with him this afternoon. I was excited that I had someone to work out with.

The workout was great but not as great as what happened next. I was watching the NBA All Star Game and I got a call from an old friend that I haven't talked to in a while. It was so cool to hear from this guy because he and I used to party together quite a bit in college. In fact, the only reason we became friends in the first place is because he was old enough to buy us alcohol. I'll finish that story in a bit but first,

For day 8 I accomplished the following:

No drinking
No smoking
P90X diet and exercise
No lying
No dates


My will power is growing stringer as well as my motivation. I am noticing an increase in my self control and the ability to push myself to do things I can't normally do. I am getting more out of my workouts, reading, and interactions with others. I am feeling great.

Back to my friend calling me. He and I talked for about a half an hour and during our conversation I found out that he had recently quit drinking and began reading his Bible. I was kind of blown back because if you would have known this kid and how we were back in the past, you would never had guessed that we would be taking the same steps toward God, at the same time, in two different places! I mean, we were pretty much talking about the same changes and I was excited to have a close friend of mine tell me he was experiencing the same thing. More power to him. While we talked he brought to my mind something I have been thinking about for a while. It is never giving up. We can never give up. Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up!" It is true. When we fall we cannot stay down. We must get back up. That is what Chris and I are doing in our lives right now. We are getting back up and proving that God is stronger than any earthly pit, problem, or peril. We can do all things through Him who gives us strength!

I also watched this video about a guy with no arms and no legs who was just outrageously inspirational. I love the line he says at the end of this video. "It matters how you are going to finish. Are you going to finish strong?"

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