Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 80: My Sister is Amazing

This is a blog my sister posted today. I am sharing because it was perfect for what I am going through today, letting go.

Sometimes I think we do that. I think we are clinging to what we know is there but isn't where we want to be. We hang in perilous limbo, hating our lives but not wanting to take that leap. We are safe in our minds but whining to God that we want to be somewhere more solid or more free or more interesting but because we can't see the floor, we cling to the familiar and visible and squeal while he says over and over in a language we sometimes don't understand, "LET GO! Your toes are just an inch from solid ground!"

So for day 80, I accomplished the following:

No drinking
No smoking
P90x diet and exercise
No lying

I have finally deciided what my next training schedule will look like. It is a half marathon trainikng. wish me luck.


  1. DUDE! Put a link to my blog! Thanks for giving me credit though. MY NAME IS CALLIE AND MY BLOG IS That's how I get hits, bro... LOL! Love you and I'm glad you liked it.

  2. That link you have up now leads nowhere.


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